Wednesday, July 6, 2011
New Florida Law Requires Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients

The Republican governor of Florida has just signed a bill into law that will require recipients of welfare to take a drug test when applying for aid. The law went into effect on July 1, and requires applicants to pay for the test. If an applicant tests positive for drugs, a family member can receive their benefits to distribute to any dependent children. If welfare recipients pass, they can apply to have the cost of the drug test reimbursed.
Governor Rick Scott approved the law, which will affect 113,000 adults, as a means to prevent tax dollars from being wasted by drug users, who he also hopes will be discouraged from using by the measure. Are these arguments logical, or is it unfair to test people for drugs just because they seek government help? Clutch magazine analyzes these issues, concluding:
The problem… is that the law does not test all Florida residents receiving aid from the state but instead targets low-income ones alone. Critics say that behind the law is a stereotyping of all welfare recipients, one that would never be applied to say small business owners seeking the state’s financial assistance.The classism perpetuated by this law is obvious, and its sentiment is spreading. In addition to growing attacks on those receiving welfare aid, some states are moving to enact laws that require a drug test to receive unemployment benefits. These measures put humiliating pressure on the already downtrodden, while doing little to address their true problem — a lack of economic opportunity.
The Florida branch of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida says they will attempt to challenge the constitutionality of the law in the coming weeks. They are taking particular issue with the fact that Department of Social Services will be turning over positive drug tests to the states’ child services agency to open a possible child abuse investigation against parents. [...]
The ACLU filed their suit against Governor Scott on July 1st. They are using a similar law overturned in Michigan as precedent to prove the Florida law is unconstitutional.
By contrast, government infiltration into the private lives of the financially stable receiving government support has not been considered. GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s husband owns a firm that benefited from Medicaid to the tune of $161,000. Bachmann herself owns a stake in a farm that has garnered $260,000 in government subsidies. Is she offering to send in urine samples to ensure that her use of these monies is legal? No.
After the $700 billion Wall Street bail out, the stock market scions immediately gave themselves record bonuses that outraged the public — quickly pocketing government cash. Cocaine and marijuana use in the financial sector is known to be rampant, but there is little talk of monitoring how that taxpayer money was spent.
As the poor don’t have the funds to contribute to GOP political campaigns, it’s much preferred to scapegoat the penniless recipients of government handouts. They cannot defend themselves.
And scapegoating is the political game Republicans play best. Rather than developing viable plans for economic development, they have honed this distraction tactic to perfection. With the public focused on the poor, who are covertly being blamed for government “waste” through these drug-testing-for-aid laws, the GOP can happily dole out corporate welfare to their cronies.
The scapegoating of the poor is a smoke screen for this dirty work — and America is falling for it. Many support the idea that drug testing for aid recipients makes sense, because on paper it does. But we need to remain aware of the larger social framework in which GOP supporters are excused from participating in the dehumanizing policies it forces on others. In the end, this routine blinds us to the Republicans’ lack of leadership in the one area that will really get people off the dole — creating jobs and spurring the economic recovery.
We need to keep our eyes open and minds clear to stay above the confusion being created by these drug testing proposals. This is the only way the GOP will be held accountable for their fiscal policy failures.
Casey Anthony Didn’t Kill her Kids of the Day

I’ve been ignoring the Casey Anthony trial, cuz molested bitches are more interesting sucking my dick, than being on trial for killing their downer kid…
I just know that if I was a whore seeking the party life, burdened by my baby, who got in the way of my partying. I wouldn’t have killed it either….that’s why the only thing Casey Anthony is guilty of is giving me erections.
I see twitter going fucking crazy about the verdict, but who really cares, firstly, it’s not our kid, or even a kid we know that got killed, secondly the jury are far more educated on the case than any of us, thirdly only black people get charged with murder in america and most importantly we’re all animals and in the animal kingdom, when a momma lion eats her baby lion, she’s not frowned upon or locked up in her social circle by her peers, the other lions get that that baby lion was a real downer with all his needing to be taken care of, making her primo tail for the lion king to knock her alluring pussy up again, until she kills it off like a very late term, 3 year too late term abortion when parenting doesn’t suit your needs…True story based strictly on speculation…but Casey Anthony…let me be your lion king…
What it all comes down to – is that in some way, Jersey Shore has got to be responsible for this….let’s hope they all go down for the crime.
On a Side Note – I like the way this dude was thinking 3 years ago…he is a wise wise man
Who else thinks Casey Anthony is one sexy girl!?
I think she is so hot! Those pics of her partying with her friends at some club are just great! I like a chick like that-who doesnt let little things like a missing kid get in her way of having a good time!

And here’s the pic to put it all into perspective….the adorable baby who was found dead in the back of a fucking car….with her mother, who’s sole responsibility in her useless fucking life was to protect her….and now they have no killer and that is very fucking sad. RIP little girl. May your killer have what’s coming to them…..

Selena Gomez-Sex Offender Bikini of the Day

These pictures of Selena Gomez in her bikini, self shot, like a typical slutty teen trying to get the affection of the boys in her class, or like a typical 20 something, trying to get the affection of her facebook friends, or like pretty much any girl feeling sexy looking for some male attention, in a way that I approve of, which is standing in front of a mirron, cellphone in hand, half naked….cuz I know she let this out thinking “Damn I look Good”…
Apparently the pics are old, from May, when she was in Hawaii sex offending Justin Bieber, even though I’m not convinced he’s not just Usher’s boy pussy, into dudes cuz he never had a dad, or some shit, that involves it all being one big publicity stunt lie, that maybe even Gomez’s people are behind, whoring her out to him, for personal gain…I just know that whatever they are doing, she’s 18, he’s not and that makes it illegal and getting her on the sex offenders list would be a nice lesson for all the sex offenders out there…not to mention it’d be hilarious…so let’s hope they make an example out of her sex offending ass.

That said, here are some pictures of her from yesterday – cuz she’s hired the paprazzi to follower as part of her takeover plan that will end up in a sex tape or leaked nudes when she realizes no one cares about her shit…to keep our sex offending watch more up to date….so that we know where she is at all times and so that she doesn’t come to your home and sex offend you….or your loved ones…

#1 NBA Draft Pick Kyrie Irving Files Police Report Against Miss Hawaii

The Cleveland Cavaliers' Kyrie Irving has filed a lawsuit against Jessica Jackson, the woman who claimed the #1 NBA Draft pick sexually harassed her.
Irving claimed the he met Jackson on the networking site, Twitter and briefly met with her in person before they “went their separate ways.”
The former Duke Blue Devil then alleges Jackson began posting videos on YouTube slandering him and claims she threatened to stab him.
Both he and Jackson were present in court on June 28 where a judge ordered Jackson also known as Miss Hawaii to abstain from contact with Irving.
As previously reported, Jackson, a model and alleged prostitute, claims to have video of Irving masturbating on Skype and threatened to report the ball player to the police after she says she began receiving calls from people she believed were his friends and family.
She submitted a police report on March 22.
LaToya Jackson Says Husband Wanted To Charge Mike Tyson $100K To Have Sex With Her

La Toya Jackson had viewers jaw's dropping during her interview on daytime talk show The Talk. The former model revealed shocking details about her abusive marriage with ex-husband and manager Jack Gordon.
La Toya Jackson claims Gordon, who passed in 2005, offered her up to have sex with boxing legend Mike Tyson, for a hefty fee that is.
"Mike Tyson later told my mother and father and some other friends that he (Gordon) had told him that if he wanted to sleep with me he has to pay $100,000."
She went on to say that she was also forced to participate in group sex and pose on multiple occasions for Playboy magazine.
"I was in brothels and everything. He put me(it was) everything I was against. He made me do Playboy twice and had me sit on the stage and say 'Oh no, it was all my idea'. And I had to do that because I knew what he said he would do, he would do it."La Toya recently released her tell-all memoir, Starting Over, which sheds details on her life in the Jackson family, as well as with her former husband.
"I wrote this book for women. It was very difficult for me, because when he (Gordon) took me, at that time I was a strict Jehovah's Witness and I knew nothing about the world whatsoever.
"I was 29 and one of those over the top religious people. I was mentally 16 because of not knowing the world and what people do, not everyone was honest and I believed everything they said."
Styles P Discusses "Where The Angels Sleep" Video, Second Book & The Lox Album [Video]
Styles P Talks New Video, Lox And His Mixtape
Styles P discusses his new video "Where The Angels Sleep," the hold up with The Lox album as well as his take on the new era of rappers and MCs.
The Yonkers rap vet also lets people know they can read two chapters of his book Invincible on his website and reveals that he is working on his second book.
Styles has a new mixtape coming in July and his album Master of Ceremonies is due in September.
Peep the exclusive interview right here.
5 Rappers That Could've Used Casey Anthony's Lawyer
News broke on Tuesday that Casey Anthony was acquitted on all felony
charges in the death of her 2-year-daughter including capitol murder,
which carried the death penalty. Surprisingly, the only charge that
stuck was the misdemeanor of lying to a law enforcement officer.
Unfortunately, nobody is answering for Caylee Anthony but whatever side of the fence you are on with this case one thing is for sure, Casey Anthony is a free woman because of her defense lawyer Jose Baez, a 42-year-old Latino described by the Miami Herald as “a former bikini salesman, high school dropout and deadbeat dad who barely made it into the Florida bar”.
Baez doesn’t exactly hold the personal pedigree of somebody that’s just pulled off the legal upset equivalent of the 1980 Miracle of Ice but, ladies and gentlemen, I think we’ve found the new Johnny Corcoran.
Click the link below to find out the five rappers who could probably could’ve better benefited from Beaz’s representation instead of the other suit they currently have or had standing beside them.
Unfortunately, nobody is answering for Caylee Anthony but whatever side of the fence you are on with this case one thing is for sure, Casey Anthony is a free woman because of her defense lawyer Jose Baez, a 42-year-old Latino described by the Miami Herald as “a former bikini salesman, high school dropout and deadbeat dad who barely made it into the Florida bar”.
Baez doesn’t exactly hold the personal pedigree of somebody that’s just pulled off the legal upset equivalent of the 1980 Miracle of Ice but, ladies and gentlemen, I think we’ve found the new Johnny Corcoran.
Click the link below to find out the five rappers who could probably could’ve better benefited from Beaz’s representation instead of the other suit they currently have or had standing beside them.
Click here for the list
Ex-Porn Star Sasha Grey Starts DJing Career

Sasha Grey Now A DJ
Retired porn star Sasha Grey will try her hand at a career in DJing as the vixen will play her first official gig next weekend in Chicago.
Grey, born Marina Ann Hantzis, gave up porn in April with hopes of re-branding herself as a mainstream actor.
She has appeared in Eminem's “Space Bound” video, The Roots' "Birthday Girl" and made cameos in half a dozen episodes of HBO's Entourage.
Sasha will premiere on the ones and two next weekend at Enlcave night club in Chicago.
15-Year-Old Girl Facing Life In Prison For Stillborn Baby

15-Year-Old Girl Faces Life in Prison for a Miscarriage? Why Conservatives Are Criminalizing Pregnant Women
Rennie Gibbs is facing murder charges in a Mississippi prison over the death of her stillborn child.
Gibbs lost her baby at 36 weeks and prosecutors discovered she had a cocaine habit.
Even though drug use had nothing to do with her baby's death, she was charged with a “depraved-heart murder.”
Fetal homicide laws, which exist in at least 38 states, were not intended to target would-be mothers, they were designed to protect women and girls from abusive males.
Gibbs, who was 15-years-old at the time is the first woman in Mississippi to be charged with murder relating to the loss of her unborn baby.
Across the US more and more prosecutions are being brought that seek to turn pregnant women into criminals.
Amanda Kimbrough was advised to get an abortion by doctors because her baby would be born with Down's syndrome, but instead she had the child.
The baby died minutes after being born and Amanda was charged with “chemical endangerment” due to allegations that she took drugs while pregnant.
“That shocked me, it really did,” Kimbrough told the Guardian. “I had lost a child, that was enough.”Do you think this law is fair?
High School Love Letter From Michael Jordan Sparks Controversy

Michael Jordan's High School Love Letter
A love letter penned by Michael Jordan to his high school sweetheart has resurfaced and is causing controversy, at least for the woman it was written for.
Laquette Robinson of Goldsboro, North Carolina is outraged that a copy of her letter was published on “” before being picked up by ESPN.
Robinson says more than anything she hopes the basketball great doesn't think she had anything to do with its resurfacing.
"That was between him and me. Not anyone else. It wasn't for anyone else to have knowledge of it. That's something he wrote to me, at that time, out of his heart....More than anything, I wouldn't want Michael to think that I did it, cause I wouldn't want him to think that I would betray him in this way."In the letter a young Jordan apologizes for making her “Look pretty rotten” and talks of having a necklace stolen. He also talks about celebrating his birthday with his basketball teammates and compliments her on her beauty.
“My Dearest, an auction site, reports that the note and a picture of Robinson and Jordan at prom were sold for thousands in 2004.
How are you and your family doing, fine I hope. I am in my Adv. Chemistry class writing you a letter, so that tell you how much I care for you. I decide to write you because I felt that I made you look pretty rotten after the last night. I want to tell you that I am sorry, and hope that you except my apologie. I know that you feelings was hurt whenever I loss my necklace or had it stolen.
I was really happy when you gave me my honest coin money that I won off the bet. I want to thank you for letting me hold your annual. I show it to everyone at school. Everyone think you are a very pretty young lady and I had to agree because it is very true. Please don't let this go to your head. (smile) I sorry to say that I can't go to the game on my birthday because my father is taking the whole basketball team out to eat on my birthday. Please don't be mad because I am trying get down there a week from Feb. 14. If I do get the chance to come please have some activity for us to do together.
I want you to know that my feeling for you has not change yet. ← (joke) I am finally getting use to going with a girl much smaller than I. I hope you my hint. Well I have spent my time very wisely by write to you. I hope you write back soon. Well I must go, the period is almost over. See you next time around, which I hope comes soon.
With my Best Love
Michael J. Jordan”
Robinson suspects a family member took the letter and sold it to the auction house and vows to legal action.
She also says she's noticed various items Jordan gave her disappear including jerseys.
More Than A Minaj: 10 Dope Female Rappers Besides Nicki Minaj
10 Dope Female Rappers Besides Nicki Minaj After a brief period in Hip-Hop where the female emcee was basically nonexistent, the popularity of Nicki Minaj has brought female rappers back to a point of relevance.
While ladies on the M-I-C aren't back dominating the charts in numbers, Da Brat's release from prison, Missy Elliot's upcoming album and Kreayshawn's recent million dollar signing is a sign that girl power is alive and well in the rap game.
To help everyone get acquainted with some other faces and names, here's a list of 10 Dope Female Rappers Besides Nicki Minaj.
Nikki Lynette


Mica Swain

Chinky Miyake

Tiye Phoenix


Amanda Diva

Jean Grae


Audra Tha Rapper

Gang Rape Case Of 11-Year-Old Girl In Texas Continues To Divide Small Town

The vicious gang rape has exposed racial tensions in the town of nearly 9,000, as the suspects are all African-American while the victim, who is now 12, is Hispanic. “It’s segregating our community … the reaction is anger, devastation.
More than a dozen men are set to go before a judge Wednesday in the horrific gang rape of an 11-year-old girl that has torn apart a small Texas town.
Fourteen men have been charged in the incident and are scheduled to be in a state district courtroom in Liberty for status updates. Five minors also face prosecution in the brutal attacks.
The vicious gang rape has exposed racial tensions in the town of nearly 9,000, as the suspects are all African-American while the victim, who is now 12, is Hispanic.
“It’s segregating our community … the reaction is anger, devastation,” Brenda Myers – who knows the victim and runs the Community and Children’s Impact Center in Cleveland, the town where the alleged sex crime occurred – told ABC News in March.
Investigators first learned of the attacks after a student told authorities he had seen a cell phone video of at least one of the gang rapes. The recording, which was supposedly made inside a trailer in November, allegedly showed the faces of some of the suspects, as well as the victim.
The girl later told police that she was raped on at least five occasions between September and December. Some of the attacks included seven to eight attackers.
Most of the adult suspects face charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child, while four face a charge of continuous sexual abuse of a child. Most have pleaded not guilty and are free on bond.
One, 26-year-old Marcus Porchia, was charged after his arrest with sexually assaulting another girl in an unrelated case.
The suspects range in age from a middle-school student to a 27-year-old, and include two star athletes at the local high school, as well as adults with criminal records.
A gag order has prevented those involved from discussing the case, but family members have come out to defend the accused — and attack the child, as well as her Mexican immigrant parents.
“Them boys didn’t rape her,” Angie Woods told the Houston Chronicle in April. “She wanted this to happen.”
“I also think the parents of that child need to be held accountable,” said another Cleveland resident, Sheila Hightower. “[They] weren’t even aware where she was.”
The 12-year-old is now in foster care. Her parents fled the town of Cleveland, which is about 50 miles northeast of Houston, due to threatening phone calls.
Twitter Getting A Facebook Type Wall??

The purpose of this New ‘Wall’ is to really
show New people to twitter how to use twitter, so they don’t have to
annoy the hell out of you by saying “how do I tweet”, making you say
“Really, You don’t know how to use Twitter, Really?” Sounds like a good
idea to me, BUT You can always ask Me Tech Questions on Twitter!!!!

Bow Wow Pens Open Letter to Fans, Revealing He’s a Father to a Baby Girl (Plus Pic of Him and the Baby!)

It was fairly well known that Bow Wow was the father to model Joie’s new daughter, but the young emcee had yet to actually address it to fans and the media, aside from some tweets hinting at it. Today he finally spoke on his baby girl Shai, and gossip site MTO posted what is believed to be a pic of him and the baby as well. You can check out both the picture and the letter after the jump. Parenthood is a beautiful thing!! Cherish every second, Bow Wizzle!

Let me start off by saying i love my fans. With out yall i wudda been left the game. For the past 3 years i been batteling life. Even thought about taking my own. I felt like as a kid i did everything and saw everything too fast which spoiled my adult years. I felt as if i had no purpose to live(Thinking selfishly) until god gave me the illest gift of my life. No lambo, no blk card nuffn ammounts to my lil girl. I waited so long to tell yall the truth because i was nervous on how yall would look at me. Yall know everyone makes a big deal out of everything i do. I wanted to be 1st n let yall know the real. My lil girl is getting BIG fast. i love every minute of it. She inspires me to go harder.Even made me treat my mother better, its like it made me into a man over night. Never been a fan of posting pix of my daughter. Reason is because i want my boo boo to have everything i didnt. Want her to be able to cheerlead with her lil friends with out some asshole sticking his camera all in my lil girl face. I know how fame is. I missed out on so much that i now know how important it is to cherish and have those things in your life. Yes! I change diapers. Aint as bad as i thought hahaha. I want her to live with me so bad. Jus us 2. Thats my dream man but fellas yall know how it go. Baby gotta stay with they momma and all dat bull. I hate that! So i have to fly 5 hrs away to see her. I find myself going into my i phone book jus lookn at pix of her. Sometimes i tear up cuz i just cant believe it brotha be emotional. All in all im good. This is my 1st. I know all my fans gone support me and ride for her like yall been doin my whole career. To the ones that say “Im heart broken how can he do that to us” well i do have a life thats not all about movies or making albums. Im 24 now. I cant wait 4eva. Im happy and if your a fan then ud be happy too cuz yall gone be with me every step of the way. The bs that comes with having a baby momma is expected. So i neva trip. Jus gotta suck it up keep chin high and try not let her get the best of my feelings by playin them stupid games. Ima stay positive and keep maintaining long as i got yall i cant lose. I love yall. And shai shai daddy love u too! Wizzle!!!!
Cash Money/Young Money
Microsoft Has Surface, Apple Has MGS??

You may not be up on Microsoft’s Surface(if you’re not really into Tech), But an independent team at a German University played around and built an interactive table, much like Surface, But for iOS devices, Called Project MGS(Media Gathering System). This feels like a true wave of the Future, Hit the Jump to see how it works!!
Photo) Ashanti Hits the Studio With Lil Wayne

Hmm…wonder what these two are cooking up! Tune has been killing each and every feature he’s appeared on (not to mention his own songs) since being released from prison last November, so I’d imagine this will be dope as well! Ashanti was never quite the Mary J. or anything, but I did enjoy her music back when she was IT (cerca ’02, ’03). I’m definitely ready for some new music from the Long Island songstress. What about you??
Cowboys Receiver Roy Williams Sues Ex-Girlfriend

On Valentine’s Day, Cowboys receiver Roy Williams mailed his girlfriend an engagement ring worth $76,600. The girlfriend rejected the proposal but kept the ring, and now Williams is suing her.
Williams has declined to comment for the story, but in an affidavit signed by Williams, he claims he sent $5,000 for school and dental bills, a baseball for Daniels’ brother and — as a surprise — a recorded marriage proposal with the ring through the mail just before Valentine’s Day to Daniels. However, when Daniels declined the proposal, she did not return the ring.
Williams said in the affidavit that he asked for the ring to be returned until Daniels claimed six weeks later that she had lost it, at which point he reported it lost to his insurance agency. The insurance investigation revealed that Daniels’ father, Michael Daniels, had the ring. He is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit.
Michael Daniels said in a phone interview Tuesday that although he has documentation that Williams initially told his daughter to keep the ring, he will return it to avoid a lawsuit. Daniels didn’t specify when or how the ring would be returned.
“He said (to Brooke Daniels), ‘I’m not like a lot of people, I don’t want the ring back. You’ll eventually come back to me,’ and she didn’t,” Michael Daniels claimed.
#NJCDJ Wishes @50Cent A Happy Birthday
Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), better known by his stage name 50 Cent, is an American rapper and actor. He rose to fame with the release of his albums Get Rich or Die Tryin’ (2003) and The Massacre (2005). Get Rich or Die Tryin’ has been certified eight times platinum by the RIAA and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. His album The Massacre has been certified five times platinum by the RIAA and has sold 11 million copies worldwide.
#NJCDJ Wishes Joell Ortiz A Happy Birthday
Wii U AKA Wii 2 Has A Release Date???

I so love Tech Rumors, especially since they usually come true, because they are based in some kind of fact,
ok Forbes sat down with the Pres of Nintendo of America and he leaked out that the Wii U will not ship anytime before April 1st 2012, which is strong indication that it will drop in the 2nd quarter of 2012!! There is another interesting fact to come out of this sit down, the Remote for the Wii U will not only stream the games from the console but also whatever content is on the console, like say your Netflix!!! it’s almost like 3D Picture in Picture!!
Top 10 Album Sales Week Ending 7/4/11… “Who Run the Charts?!” Beyonce!

I actually just tweeted about how the “who run the charts?! Beyonce!” line would likely be SO over-done today but uh..I just had to add to the list of over-do’ers LOL. Queen Bey sits tight in her throne at the top of the charts, locking in a solid 310,000 copies sold for “4″ since its release last week. And while these numbers are good and the number one spot even better, they still didn’t top what Yeezy, Nicki or a handful of others did on their first week’s out fairly recently. And I say that to say this is BEYONCE…I’d expect a lot more, no? Either way, this is still great so congrats Mrs. Carter!! Read on for the rest of this week’s top 10 albums in the country.
2. Adele – 21 92k
3. Big Sean – Finally Famous 87k (CONGRATS!!)
4. Selena Gomez & the Scene – When the Sun Goes Down 78k
5. Jill Scott – The Light of the Sun 55k
6. Jason Aldean – My Kinda Party 48k
7. David Cook – This Loud Morning 46k
8. Jackie Evancho – Dream With Me 44k
9. Bad Meets Evil – Hell: The Sequel 42k
10. Scotty McCreery – American Idol Season 10 Highlights 40k
Teenaged Girl Loses Vision After Wearing $20 Colored Contacts From Beauty Supply Store!!

This is EXACTLY what your mother was talking about when she said you shouldn’t be buying “those damn contacts off the street. You know they ain’t no good for your eyes!!” Yea, mom…you were right!! And right now I’m counting my lucky stars I still have my vision after stuntin’ in my purple contacts my junior year of high school, thinking I was cute because it matched my purple Air Force One’s….smh! Read the story after the jump of the 14 year old girl that lost her sight from the off-the-street contacts. So sad!
The desire to look like celebrities might be fueling the craze for colored contact lenses. For Erica Barnes, her decision to change her look nearly cost her vision.
“I couldn’t open my eyes and every time I tried it started hurting more,” says Barnes.
The 14 year old had only worn them for a day but that was enough to damage her cornea. Her doctor says even after her infection is cured, she will have a scar, and will likely need a corneal transplant.
Federal law says any contacts, even those for cosmetic purposes, can only be purchased with a valid prescription, but Erica says she picked hers up at beauty store for twenty bucks. Doctors say they’ve had other teenage patients with the same issue as Erica.
“The population that is targeted here is a very vulnerable population of young teenage girls who will do a lot for cosmetic purposes, and it’s absolutely illegal,” says Dr. Anne Steiner.
I was over this beef before it even started, but I must keep the readers updated on the new happenings in this corny tiff. I told you earlier that Miguel threw a shot at Lloyd via Twitter, saying he was “imitating” him because their hairstyles are similar. Mind you, Lloyd’s hair is simply cut this way to showcase his new tattoo. In a phoner with 97.9′s Devi Dev, Lloyd responds to the shots. “I’ll see him when I see him,” he tells Dev. Hear the rest after the jump.
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