I don't know what's going on with Katt Williams., but he is reporting "on something." I heard he recently was down there in Albuquerque, NM over the weekend and was acting a lil crazy. He wasn't telling any jokes and he took off most of his clothing! Eventually, his people removed him from the stage after when she talked, he was incoherent. WHoooooaaaaaaaaa...Check out this video.
I hope he is well, but push ups on stage is not a good sign. You know Katt was arrested last month and has had several bizarre encounters with the popo.
By the way, one of my sources sent the following and it goes further into the madness!
Ok normally I would'nt even say anything or get involved. But I want to say that Big Moon and I had nothing to do with the promotion, booking, organizing, or anything on this event besides hosting it. Yes it was unfortunate what happened, and I'm not taking sides. However anyone that was there, saw Katts behavior for themselves. Spitting chewing tobacco in his hands and rubbing it in his hair, yelling at the audience, leaving the stage to pray, doing push ups, and the list goes on. He did know about the show, he did get paid, he even did a drop on the air talking about how excited he was to come to albuquerque. Shawty, AJ, The JDS and us all did our jobs to make sure everyone was comfortable and had the best time possible. NO ONE had control over Katt but Katt. He showed up late, got served papers, and disappointed alot of people. I again am not defending the actual promoters but everyone who was backstage including Samuel L. Jackson could see that everyone was doing what they could to accomodate Katt and his late arrival and his stage show AND could see that something was wrong with him. Im a huge Katt Williams fan and was sad to see him in that state. But no is responsible for Katt but Katt.
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